What It's Really Like to Study Abroad in France

You know that one junk cabinet/drawer/closet you have sneakily stuffed with everything that wouldn't fit elsewhere?

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset That's an accurate depiction of what my thoughts & life have looked like for the past few weeks.

There's been a lot of song and dance around these parts. A few colorful character deets and plenty of wanderlust. But as I mentioned in this post, there's been far more left unsaid. Which would be completely  in 'whatevs' territory, except that I've been going multiple degrees of crazy with how much I want to say. That's rare for a keen observer who typically leaves details to the outside lands.


Let's get on this wild ride. Grab the rando fake mustache that's been sitting in said junk cabinet, the strongest cup of coffee you can find, and a tub of butter for good luck. We're going to France!

I arrived in France, wide-eyed and wonderful. It was my second time in the country, but I had been a veritable youngin' during my first trip. Living somewhere, I learned, is also a fast departure from a weeklong vacation.


Studying abroad in Nantes, France has been like nothing I expected, yet more than I ever could have dreamed. It's bizarre being an outsider, while pretending to be an insider for a few months. It's an unapologetic kick in the butt that makes you realize the shallowness of your own world -- like the feeling you get when throwing on a pair of 3D glasses in the movie theater.

It's a total holy-crap-this-is-real moment that could fo sho be on Oprah.


As a hopeless wanderer, I tend to adapt to new environments relatively quickly. Even after spending 2.5 years away from home (at Georgetown, in DC/Philly/NYC, Google, etc), I've never been truly homesick. (Mom & Dad, this isn't to say I don't love you bunches). Change doesn't scare me that way.

Studying abroad in France, however, is a different beast. I changed, adapted, and familiarized as I normally would. But there was one snag in this game plan: mindset.

And that's the part of the roller coaster ride with the unexpected HUGHHHHH JASSSS drop. The one that makes your stomach feel like it just peaced out on a whim.


Without really trying, I found myself thinking about France via subtraction rather than addition. The things lost rather than gained.

I was missing friends who were all sorts of essential, a fall semester on the Hilltop, iced coffee, long showers, summer shenanigans, a common timezone, variety in EVERYTHING, and most importantly, English -- my golden ability to communicate and my homefield advantage. I wasn't stuck on it perse, but I couldn't help seeing those pin-sized holes around me. Normal life minus normal things = just life.

Even loving the experience, that mindset was a wall or sorts. It was the basic realization of meeting a world that was, well...foreign. That seems like Obvious 101, but it wasn't.


In the recent few weeks though, my mindset has changed a bit. Confronted with a few small comforts, it's become easier to see things through the lens of addition.

You see, I forgot a critical part of the equation: the value-added.  I forgot the +France part of this shindig. Granted, that +France comes with -Normalcy, but isn't that the point? I didn't come here to do things normally, to have the same things I normally would, to be comfortable.

Because really, what kind of smashbang is that?


I came here to learn. About culture, language, people. We have a whole dealio going on over here. I came to see what it's like to do life...a little differently. And to try living a little different myself. I came to find the best dang croissant & cuppa joe. (And to endure plenty of trial and error in the meantime.)


I'm loving that my walk home gets better with age and looks like a million bucks on Fridays.

I'm amused by the dear guy who has taken to sitting next to me in class and making me laugh something wonderful.

I'm content that I know ma belle ville (my beautiful city) now and that getting lost is a rather intentional way of finding myself.

I'm hella happy that my host mom is totally into pumpkin pie; that my host dad thinks French Lit sucks too; that my host sister and I are BUDS; and that my host brother's sarcasm rivals my own.


Finally, I'm starting to understand. We're talking addition, not subtraction. Just like anywhere else, there's ups, downs, but also high fives all around.

So life may kinda look like that one hot-mess-of-a-junk cabinet that you inevitably have. But even amidst the chaos of it all, those surprise gems hiding in the back always seem to add a little something special to life.

And that equation is easy as pie.

Welcome to Fall

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 presetWelcome to Fall, home of the cozy sweater. Settle in. This is a good place to kick it together for awhile.

We're dealing with coffee², followed by tea³, some French literature that scares my pants off, blankets to conceal said absence (?) of pants, a film scores Pandora, and every apple ever.

Adding cookies would put this situation over-the-top. But this is our party - live on the edge!

I'll meet you there. :)


Reason Enough for Friday

Today is soup & tea territory. It's a universal truth, and we're rolling with it..


The weather can't decide whether to rain cats and dogs or invite the sun out to chill with the bros.

I can't blame it. I feel the same way: all over the place yet neither here nor there. This is the first Friday in a few weeks that I've been at home in Nantes, rather than traveling. Home in Nantes? It's officially been 1 month here! Home is starting to feel like a comfortable thing to say around these parts.

Today is dedicated to the likes of French literature and American television, coconut mochas and earl grey, and talk time with both friends here and afar. And I'm caught between having so much to say on here, yet completely baffled by how to say it all. Ya feel me? This is a weirdly normal occurrence, and I chalk it up to being a bonkers perfectionist.


Yesterday, my head was filled to the brim with things I wanted to discuss: first impressions, the holy $#!& of Oktoberfest, my impending marriage to croissants, why I wouldn't call myself a feminist, and the absolute absurdity of TV in France. Nearly every entry sat neatly written in my head, but the intention to write bailed hardcore as soon as I was home.


Hmph. Some friends.

Instead, I'm finding myself on this lazing day just wanting to keep it light. We're hanging out in pajamas, looking at a random smashbang of pictures, and just calling it kosher.

After all, it's Friday, and that's reason enough for me.



8 (More) Things You Probably Didn't Know About Me

We're tackling more knowledge today! Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset

This knowledge is like your own personal summary of me. Education without homework? Get on my level. Consider this the SparkNotes of our friendship. We're talking facts--fun facts--sorta like these.

Because we're about to dive into real talk, and that's no place for strangers to go. Kapeesh?

8 (More) Things You Probably Didn't Know About Me

1) Travel tells it like it is. If we travel well together, we get along well too. We're like peanut butter & jelly--complementary and going places in this world.

2) I have an unconventional love of oatmeal. And I'm totally okay with it.

3) I'm rarely rattled or visibly upset. If I am upset, you probably won't know it.  Unless you know me insanely well, in which case you'll know that I'm upset before I do.

4) I often forgot that I have long legs, even though people comment on it all the time. Sometimes, when I see a picture of myself and realize this, I'll catch myself thinking, "HOT DANG, I'M ACTUALLY AN ALIEN."

5) Nearly every pair of tights I own is ripped in the jankiest of places. Confessions of a constant do-er with reckless abandon for pants.  It suits me.

6) I somehow ended up as a finalist in a Pillsbury Baking Contest when I was 11. Cake and I are homies that go way back.

7) The chances of a hippopotamus flying are better than the chances of me having an umbrella when it's raining. Think I'm kidding? I once arrived dripping wet for a formal interview because of this. On the bright side, I got the job.

8) I love hiking. And once given the free rein to wander, you better believe I want to go to the top.

From Paris to Oktoberfest

Today, we're going to do things a little bit backwards. We're going to talk about Dublin tomorrow. Because we can. Power to the people! On tap today: adventures in Paris and at Oktoberfest. Holy toledo, you might need to stand up for this one.


I met A--among the best of friends from Google--outside of the train station  in Paris late on Thursday evening. Epics hugs were exchanged, and tears of joy may or may not have been present. A quick stop at A's host family's palace apartment and then serious business!

Also known as takeout sushi. Which included getting drenched in a Parisian downpour and not caring one dang bit. There was talk of going out on the town, but you know what? Wine, cheese, chocolate, and 6 hours of life talk are pretty tall, dark and handsome. That's real life.

We also ended up vid-chatting with four other bomb.com friends from Google. These people are what may only be described as "the freaking tits," and I didn't even realize myself how much I've missed talking to them. We're an indescribable bunch all doing crazy different things, but it just works. No explanation necessary because well, tits man who has time for that? Sometime around 3:30 a.m.,  A and I smushed into her twin bed and returned to talk between two. I fell asleep smiling. Happy, so so happy.

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Friday, 7 a.m.: Alarms go off in unison. This kid is headed to Munich for Oktoberfest to meet H, my roommate and best friend at Georgetown. is London-bound to meet friends. We hug it out like its an Olympic sport. Technique is major (and impeccable).

Around noontime, I wind my way through the Munich airport before spotting a bright, blue sweater and tortoise shell glasses that could only belong to H. Hug-a-thon resumes. Olympic gold medals are a veritable DUH at this point.

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and I head straight to city center talking a bajillion miles per minutes while in search of food. We find Thai curry, or rather, curry finds us. And it's game over. Curry......what? It's cool; go with it. Exploring continues. Munich in Oktober has got it going on. It's vibrant. It's special. It's the kind of place where beer trumps all else, and who's going to argue with logic like that?

I should also mention it's bonkers beautiful.

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Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset

We hopped on an off the spectacularly efficient D-Bahn (German train), going with spontaneity as our tour guide. We found nature! Or, I mean, something like that. Decided that life is a garden. And we dig it.


Statuesque buildings and blue sky peek-a-boos. Buildings here are no wimpy business. Neither are the Germans, apparently.

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Churches richly hued with gold and so #casual you had to make sure it wasn't just painted there. And casually accompanied by a mobile library because reading is all sorts of jazzy on a crisp outside afternoon.

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Somewhere along the way, we stumbled through a giant square with bean bags and hammocks plopped everywhere. Because nap time is a real life thing. America, get with the program. Please & thank you.  IMG_5501

And finally, we found humanity at its finest. A spectacle of tomfoolery that looks like an adult version of Disneyland. Where OUT OF ORDER is the only order and logical reason is no good reason at all.

Welcome to Oktoberfest. Stay a little while, why don't you?

{to be continued}


It's Nice to Meet You, Europe

{Note: Meant to post this Thursday, but janky transit wifi was not having it. Formatting is also a tad unsightly. Apologies, real talk coming soon!}

I kind of have a thing with Thursdays. 10 am call time feels like a treat after two days of 8am classes. Thursday means a class at the university on French workplace, the sweet gent who bought me a coffee, and an Argentinian tango class.

You heard me.

I'm on a train to Paris now--my first ever and the inaugural ride of the semester. Nantes today, Paris tonight with Google friend A, and Munich tomorrow for Oktoberfest with the darling roommate, H.

I'm in my happy place. The one filled with ripped tights, Teaseville USA, joyous reunions soon to come, and the gripping wanderlust that just reached over to hold my hand.

We're going places, you and me. Warm Bavarian pretzels? You got it. A liter of lager? There shouldn't even be a question mark there. You, me, & a world to see?

Well darling, I thought that was a given.
