A Lucky Summer
/Never mind the fact that my iPhone was murderously waterlogged by the ocean during our bonfire. Never mind the fact that I will be living in what is rumored to be the bottom-of-the-totem-pole freshman dorm.
And never mind the fact that the laptop I bought a few weeks ago just went on sale.
I'm feelin' lucky.
And that's all thanks to the food blogosphere!!
This is me.
Because I FINALLY won my first blog giveaway. Actually, I take that back. I won a giveaway for a free (!!!) Magic Bullet when I first started reading food blogs. But sadly, I was on vacation when said blogger emailed me. Too much time had passed by the time I got home and saw the email, so I was unable to claim my prize. Fail.
But never mind that too.
Because I won not one, but two giveaways this past month! :D
The first package came from the lovely Laura at Sprint 2 the Table--it was the NuNaturals giveaway! The set contained 50 stevia packets, a tub of the company's new "MoreFiber" baking blend, a few bottles of stevia drops (cocoa and vanilla flavor...SO EXCITED!!), and some pure stevia powder.
NuNaturals has been my favorite brand of stevia for awhile. I use their packets all the time in oatmeal, coffee, tea, etc. I can't wait to try their baking blend though, as the packets don't work too well in mass quantities for baked goods.
Those cocoa bean drops might just sneak into my afternoon iced coffee ;)
The second package came from Reeni at Cinnamon, Spice, and Everything Nice
Reeni kindly sent me Stonyfield's "Summer in a Box," which came with everything from some lovely (and natural!) products (deodorant, toothpaste, facial moisturizer, soap, lip balm) to free food coupies. Wait--hang on. Free food?! Stop. Stop the presses!
Did I just spot a few coupons for free chocolate-dipped frozen yogurt bars?! YUM, I think yes. They already have my heart.
Uh huh. I dream in terms of frozen yogurt. Especially when dark chocolate dipping is involved. No shame, ya'll.
Thanks again for the giveaway ladies! It makes the loss of a cell phone to that hugh jass rogue wave just a little bit better :)
Back soon with a cookbook challenge recap!
I’ve spent the better part of the past year trying to figure out how to explain the recovery process. Both to myself & to others. Most often, I’m asked, “Are you back to normal now?”