Long Time No See: Google, France, and More
/Well hey there friends! It’s been a little while, eh? Out of sight but not out of mind, I hope
I know blogging is best done a taddddddd more frequently, but yee-haw this has been a crazy year. But the good news is I’m back…and here to stay!
Indeed, there’s been a few recent developments in life that have reminded me how much I missed blogging and how valuable it would be to start again. Okay okay, life developments?!? What foolishness is this? Let’s chat.
Spring semester was miles smoother than Fall semester, which was a bit of a bumpier ride. Like the kind of a ride the jolts you, leaving one very bruised butt and a sore sense of sureness.
Alright, butts have nothing to do with my return to blogging. What I mean to say is that 2013 has been better, but the next few months hold much in store…
This past Tuesday, I arrived in Southern California to be greeted by balmy blue skies and nothin’ but sunshine. I’ll be here for a few weeks , but come June, I’ll head to Northern California to start my internship.
…Say what?
Yes siree! I’ll be spending 11 weeks in Silicon Valley interning for Google via the Google BOLD program. To say I’m excited would be a crazy understatement.
Post-Google, I’ll pay one last visit to Orange County and then pack my bags for France. With parents in tow!
Mother darling, father dearest, and I will be spending ~1 week traveling around the South of France prior to…
STUDY ABROAD! Yup that’s right ya’ll! I’ll be spending my Fall semester in Nantes, France at the Université de Nantes. Again, “excited” is an understatement. For now, I’m taking some time to relax + unwind at home after a busy semester at Georgetown. Books, movies, iced coffee, yoga, and hanging with friends are on repeat. (Book/movie recommendations, anyone?). I can’t wait to see what these next few weeks/months will hold, and perhaps more importantly, I can’t wait to share them with YOU!
Yup, that’s the icing on the cake. I’m hoping and planning to blog about my summer at Google and fall in France. In the coming weeks, I’ll be posting a few recipes from this last semester, as well as a plethora of beach photos. Down the line, there might be more pictures and less food, less pictures and more food; more musing, less writing. Who knows!
All I can guarantee is plenty of sass from yours truly
Care to join me for this wild ride?
P.S. Georgetown Class of 2013 (including B) graduated today. CONGRATS YA’LL!
I’ve spent the better part of the past year trying to figure out how to explain the recovery process. Both to myself & to others. Most often, I’m asked, “Are you back to normal now?”