Shapeshifting is my superpower. 

Each person has something that keeps them sane & grounded every day. For some people, that's music, for others it's running or cooking or Netflix. For me though, it's yoga.

If that sounds like a bad millennial cliche, rest assured -- I'm here to laugh along with you. Truth be told though, my yoga practice has little to do with trendy pants, advanced postures, or claims to enlightenment. Rather, it's my personal outlet: My form of artistic expression, my physical therapy in recovery, my shapeshifting super power. It's simply my reminder to tune out, breathe deeply, and chill the %&!^ out.

I now teach yoga to share the creativity that I find in movement. No spiritual chanting, hippy dippy incense, or lessons in enlightenment. Just motion & music, one breath at a time. Here's your open invitation: 


I’ve just relocated to Brooklyn, NY and am currently exploring teaching opportunities. Stay tuned!