2011 in Review
/Before getting into resolutions and the like, let’s chat about 2011. For now, let’s stick to the light-hearted stuff… and maybe tomorrow, the more serious.
A shortlist of the BIG things that happened in 2011:
- Started blogging!
- Applied to 9 top-tier colleges in what was one of the most nerve-racking processes of my entire life!
- Had my heart set on attending the University of Notre Dame
- Ended up being accepted to Georgetown University and made the hard decision to go there instead (an amazing decision in retrospect!)
- Graduated from high school as a valedictorian
- Finished my term as editor-in-chief of the newspaper that meant everything to me and held a BOMB 80-person brunch to celebrate it
- Attended and completed a Georgetown preorientation program called Leadership & Beyond (L&B)during August, during which I met ~30 amazing people that have sincerely changed my life and shaped my college experience
- Met my roommate, Helen, who became one of my best friends!
- Became incredibly close to 3 other friends via L&B, without whom I can’t imagine life now
- Finished my first semester in college (and somehow pulled of an A- in calculus…whatup!)
- Came back to the West Coast for Christmas and began blogging again
- Got my wisdom teeth pulled
- Realized that I learned more about myself this year than the last 17 years of my life
- Ate tons of delicious food.
Riiiiiiight, the food. Let’s take a brief glimpse at that, shall we?
5 minute Banana Bread Rice Pudding
Angel Hair Pasta with Gorgonzola
Cheezy Portabello Steak with Angela’s Creamy Avocado Pasta
THE BEST Banana Bread
Golden Cornmeal & Blueberry Muffins
Mom’s Best Carrot Cake
Chocolate-Covered Katie’s Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Oatmeal
Whoa, I had a lot more food to share than expected. To be continued in the a.m. along with a possible recipe! For now, it’s back to icing the cheeks for this chipmunk
I’ve spent the better part of the past year trying to figure out how to explain the recovery process. Both to myself & to others. Most often, I’m asked, “Are you back to normal now?”