September, if You Please
/Can we call, "TIMEOUT" on life for a minute? We need a water break and a quick huddle. You know, to figure out what's what and what's good.
According to the world...It's September, but summer is still lingering on the brain. We're still dreaming of indian summer picnics and ice cold everything. It's September, and the world says it's now unacceptable to wear white for the next nine months.
We're going to call bull$*#! because that's our prerogative. It's September, and the back-to-school aisle both beckons and inspires a desire to run in the opposite direction. A complicated beast, indeed.
It's September, and this one is a bit different from last. You too? We're the kids raising both hands in the air right now.
This September feels like the crossroads between big kid and adult. Think caterpillar to butterfly, except with less of nature's beauty and more of nature's hot mess.
I've traded number two pencils for pencil skirts and night owl studying for early bird commutes. And I'm oddly okay with it. I've traded assembling farmers' markets for Ikea furniture. And "group project meeting" is a bit of an understatement at this point.
We'll call all this my the attempt to find some semblance of adulthood. Until then, fake it 'till you make it will have to do.
So then, what has post-grad life been like really? It's been rad!!! Seriously. No homework? Yes please. It's been weird. Is this real life, or is this just fantasy? It's been expensive. "The rent is too damn high!"
It's been a lot, of a lot. Which is how I tend to describe most things these days.
Truth be told, I have far more to say than what's been said. The thing is, I haven't figured out how to say it. I'm reconciling what it means to be all grown up, when janky has been the M.O. of times past. When it, frankly, still is.
I think this general weirdness is welcome, if not altogether obligatory.
So here we are now: September, if you please. I can tell you that I'm in a good place & headspace with nothing but great company. That we can live now and figure out the words to explain what's complicated later.
And that if all else fails, we'll call timeout and exercise our prerogative to call bull$*#!.
I’ve spent the better part of the past year trying to figure out how to explain the recovery process. Both to myself & to others. Most often, I’m asked, “Are you back to normal now?”