The Start of a Beautiful Thing
So today marks the start of a new tale, a "beautiful friendship" as Casablanca so aptly put it. Who am I? The girl behind the blog--18, college-bound, vivacious, vegetarian-ish, lover of fruit, photography, and all things outdoors. I'll save that for the "About Me" though. For now, let's talk about the beginning of all of this.
Three years ago, I found the world of blogs. I had heard the term casually used before, but I really had no clue what a "blog" really was. A journal? A website? A diary? I didn't know that answer, but I did know that I wanted to find out.
Two years ago, I started my first blog. I was struggling with a lot of different things in my life at the time, both physically and emotionally, and I wasn't really able to devote proper time to my blog in its nascence. Still, I kept reading different healthy food/living blogs--finding inspiration both in the kitchen and in life each day. Okay, now onto today, this blog, and the present.
Yesterday, I graduated from high school. Class of 2011. After innumerable days and nights of working to maintain academics/extracurriculars and preparing for college, I graduated with a class of almost 700 people. I am proud and happy--so very, very happy--that I made it to this point and am now able to cross the bridge of the old and start something new. It is something I have wanted to do for as long as I can remember; something by which I am irrevocably intrigued; and something that I love "just because."
Ideally, I would like to say that I will blog consistently for years to come because of the enjoyment I get out of it. This fall, however, I head off to Georgetown University in Washington D.C., 2,277 miles from home (to be exact haha). I know that once again, my life will become ridiculously busy because I'm a guilty perfectionist who is incapable of doing a half job on anything. Throw a non-legit dorm kitchen into the mix, and things become a bit complicated. At the very least though, I plan to cook, bake, and blog my heart out this summer, simply for my own pleasure and hopefully even a little bit for yours. I don't know where this blog will take me, who (if anybody) will read my rambling thoughts, and how long I can and will pursue it. But heck, I'm willing to find out.
I'm hoping to write my first "real" post tomorrow morning. Here's to hoping you'll join me!