Thanks for Listening
I'm blushing a little, homeskillets.
I was flattered, if not a tad shocked, by the positive response to this post. Thanks for listening while I talk with my mouth full and carry on with janky lingo.
For all those lovely thoughts/comments/kudos--that means the world to me. I love to write, but in truth, I usually keep it to myself thinking that most people wouldn't really care to read it. Sharing it with you is my pleasure because y'all are the definition of spiffy.
Coming up: whirlwind Chateau excursions, the random things you would never guess about France, and PUMPKIN FREAKING PIE.
Sh*t may hit the fan with Fall midterms this week. But we'll have pie, which is basically the instant-win button of life. Get at me world.
Keep it simple stupid. Mo' pictures, less words!
Happy Sunday!